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1st day emma2009-08-30

1st day hannah2009-08-30

1st day laurel2009-08-30 

For those of you interested, here is a list of the curriculum that we will be using this year:

Tapestry of Grace History/Literature- Year Two, Lower Grammar 

Shurley English- level 1 and 3

Spell to Write and Read

Saxon Math-level 2 and level 54 (with DIVE cd)

Nature study- this website will be so helpful.

Art- Drawing with Children

Bible study/character development- Young Peacemakers

Besides that, the girls are again to going to take some extracurricular classes one day/wk like: cooking, spanish, science, karate, and music.

In general, the week went well.  At first, there was a bit of laziness. It took a couple of days to get back into the discipline of our morning routines, sitting still, listening carefully, and working with diligence (I include myself in that).  By the end of the week there fewer off-task moments and we were happily settled in for another year of home-learning.

Hope your families are thriving in your new fall schedules! 

quiet time/sharing time

I just love this blog.  My friend Kristen directed me there.  It is chalk full of helpful homeschooling ideas.  I find it especially helpful because it helps me to apply Charlotte Mason's ideas to what we do from day to day.  One of the things that I learned by visiting her site, was how to help develop the habit of "personal quiet time/prayer/bible study into the lives of our children. 

I began about a month ago by pulling out some old blank journals of mine.  I took each of the girls aside separately and gave them this book as a special gift.  They also were given new bibles.  Emma (8) uses this one.  Hannah (5) uses this one.  Laurel (3) uses this one.  I shared with them the beauty of time spent sitting at the feet of Jesus. I tried to convey to them the encouragement and sustaining power that His word provides to my own heart and mind on a daily basis. 

Morning sharing emma's journal2009-04-05  

I directed Emma to proverbs.  Because she can read, I thought that she could start with one chapter each day. There are 31 chapters so she can read one for each day of the month.  I asked her to use her journal to write down one particular verse that spoke to her and how it applies to her own life.

Morning sharing2009-04-05_1 

Hannah's bible has a reading for each day.  She is familiar with several of the stories and can recall many of them just by looking at the pictures (not quite reading it yet). She also writes or draws her thoughts in her little journal.

Morning sharing laurel2009-04-05 

For Laurel, because she is still fairly young, I just simply wanted her to have the habit of "being still and knowing God."  She has her bible nearby, but doesn't really reference it at this point.  She draws pictures in her special journal and frequently narrates the story of Baby Moses (which we have studied in depth this year.)

I took this idea a step further by bringing it to the breakfast table.  You all know my love of breakfast time with my family. After their quiet time (which should be done before breakfast) they bring their books with them to the table to share what God is teaching them. 

 I was also encouraged by this verse: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all the wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:15-16

So that has been our aim- to teach and admonish one another. (The children began straying from this idea at one point. It started to become more of a "look what I drew!" session.) I had to review and remind them that this time was for the benefit of others, and to give glory to God for what he is doing in our hearts. They have stayed on track since.  It has been such a joy to see what the Lord is doing in their lives.  Even better, it has been amazing to hear and see it in their own words and pictures.

days and weeks

As I have thought about writing this particular post, I have realized that we don't necessarily have an hour by hour schedule that we follow. We seem to have adopted more of an ordered flow to our days instead.  Does that make sense?  I find that when I lock myself into following a rigid schedule I am usually setting myself up for discouragement when (notice I said when not if) we are unable to keep up.

Homeschooling days laurel on lap2009-04-09    

Keep in mind that we are definitely not locked into anything per say. Occasionally we drop what we are doing because I get called to a birth.  Our schedule is easily adaptable and we do our best to remain flexible.  I think this is one of the things that I love best about homeschooling.  I have the ability to respond more freely to the needs of my family.  We don't have to cram ourselves into someone else's time frames.

Homeschooling days mully2009-04-09 

(mulligan doesn't really try to fit into anyone else's preferences either...he basically just sprawls out on our school table anytime he pleases.) 

So, our week typically looks like this: 

Monday: Schoolwork in the morning, play/chores in afternoon. 

Tuesday: Errands and outings in the morning, schoolwork in the afternoon while Laurel naps.

Wednesday: Schoolwork in the morning, play/tea time in the afternoon.

Thursday: BSF for Laurel and me, extra curricular classes for the girls at a cooperative school in the morning, schoolwork in afternoon while Laurel naps.

Friday: Catch up, exams, review in morning.  Nature study/park play in afternoon.

Homeschool days playing store2009-04-09

I have tried to vary the time when we do schoolwork simply for Laurel's benefit.  Understandably, she enjoys getting outside to play and taking trips to the library more than she enjoys the times when we are doing lessons. She is 3!  So, two days a week we go out in the mornings instead of doing schoolwork.  In the afternoon when she sleeps we are able to catch up. 

So a typical day (if we are doing schoolwork in the morning) progresses like this:

 *I wake up early.  Like 5:30am early.  I spend some time reading my bible. I get some coffee, check email, maybe sneak in a blog post.  I just committed to doing a mini-triathlon (more on that to come) so I am also getting out for some exercise.

*The kids usually roll out of bed between 7-8am.  I don't usually wake them up, however, 8am is the cut-off and Hannah is usually on the later end of morning.  She typically needs a little prodding :)

*The girls have a morning routine that we came up with together so they begin working through that.

*We eat breakfast and have a little devotional time.

*Next, we spend some time tidying up the house- maybe 30 minutes max (none of learn well when it is a mess)

*Around 9am schoolwork begins.  We don't do our subjects in the same order every day.  I usually go with what the girls want to do first.  Their enthusiasm provokes diligent work.  It all gets done, so I don't fuss over what we do first.

*We usually break for a snack at some point, and go back to work until about 11:30am.

*Before we eat lunch we head outside.  Maybe a quick walk to the mailbox,  a bike ride around the block, or some digging in the garden.  It helps the girls to eat better and really "sit down" to lunch if they get some fresh air first.

*After lunch, I read to Laurel and then she takes a nap.  The girls and I finish up school work for another hour or so.

Backpack nap2009-04-09 

(okay sometimes Laurel doesn't nap.  a few days ago I convinced her to take a rest in the backpack)

*Around 2pm I institute 30-60 minutes of quiet time.  Laurel is still sleeping and I ask the girls to find a place where they can quietly color or read or rest or just generally be on their own.  During this time I find myself doing any number of things depending on the day.  Reading, returning emails and phone calls, exercise, cleaning up around the house, or if I've been up all night at a birth- napping!

*We have another tidy-up session around 3pm.  I get the chore jars out and let them pick from chores that I have pre-selected (based upon what needs to be done).  We usually work for about 45min.

*At 4pm the sweet neighbor kids come home from school and my kids head outside to play with them.  We have a fenced back-yard so they pretty much have free reign.  I spend this time preparing dinner.

*At some point, usually around 6pm, my husband gets home and we have dinner.  One night per week I head out to teach my classes, but other than that- we always sit down together.

*From there it is just hanging out together, reading the newspaper, more laundry, preparing for the next day's lessons, baths, teeth brushing- you know...normal stuff.

*My kids generally go to bed sometime between 8-9pm.  Carl and I usually go to bed around 11pm.

That's it!  A typical day. Not glamorous. I am pretty much a Haus Frau...but that is what I feel called to do at this point. More coming soon!