Ian is 6 months old now. It is just a blur to me. Perhaps it is because he is still not sleeping through the night, waking 2-3 times. I cannot even imagine what it would feel like to sleep more than 3-4 hours without interruption.
I try really, really hard every day to be present and to take it all in-- and still, time passes so quickly. Weighing in at nearly 20lbs and gobbling up all kinds of solid foods, he's much bigger than any of the girls were at this age.
Ian is quite curious. He reaches, grabs, pulls, and bats. Nursing sometimes feels like wrestling match. I invested in a nursing necklace. It helps. He's not crawling forwards yet, just pushing himself backwards. He also pivots around in a little circle. I welcome his immobility, but the gate stands ready at the top of the stairs.
He sits alone precariously with a few face plants here and there.
Ian is the proud owner of three teeth, the last of which just showed through this morning. The slobber is abundant.
It's becoming more and more evident that we do indeed have a SON. Despite the random growling, these boyish traits are actually quite refreshing. He loves to be tossed around, and startled. His whole body is ticklish and he nearly jumps out of my arms into the tub while the water is still running. Ian can belch like a grown man, and if you put socks on his feet they sweat. A lot.
This boy is stealing my heart. Fears completely unfounded.