According to Emma and Hannah:

Thank you for taking that brief with me pause yesterday.  Your comments were all so sweet. Whether I have time to respond or not, please know that I love reading them!! On a lighter note, I thought it would be fun to interview the girls about the Season that we are in.  I excluded Laurel only because she would just answer "yes" to every question. Keep in mind that Emma is 6 and Hannah 4.  Here we go!

Me: What is the best part about Christmas?

Emma: Celebrating Jesus birth.

Hannah: 'bout Jesus.

Me: Where was Jesus born?

Emma: in a stable

Hannah: in Lazarus.


Me: Who came to visit Jesus?

Hannah: The wise man and some jewsman.

Me: Why did Jesus come to earth?

Emma: To save our lives

Hannah: As Christ, and because he wanted to play with his friends.

Me: How do you think that Jesus would want us to celebrate His birthday?

Emma: I think he wants us to praise Him.

Hannah: I think he wants to give us his sins. And some cake.

Me:  Is there anything that you don't like about Christmas?

Emma: Dreaming about the Grinch.

Hannah: Fighting over presents.


Me: What would make this Christmas the best ever?

Emma: getting 1,000 presents.

Hannah: I don't know, Emma can answer.

Me: What is you favorite Christmas Tradition?

Emma: The Nutcracker

Hannah: Opening presents


Me: What should we have for Christmas Dinner?

Emma: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Hannah: Fettuccine

Me: And for dessert?

Emma: Pumpkin Pie

Hannah: Cupcakes and pop

Me: Do you believe in Santa?

Emma: No

Hannah: No

Me: How come?

Emma: He's not real cuz he is just dressed up.

Hannah: Because he paints his hair.

Me: Does that make you sad that Santa is not real?
Both shake their heads no.

Hannah: I want to be done with this now.


I hope that you found that informative and somewhat entertaining. We had a few giggles along the way. I am always interested in their perspective.  I think that they got it mostly right don't you? I can't wait to start giving some gifts away so that I can show you what I have been putting together this week.  Raise your hand if you were up past midnight last night! (and the night before)

This day...

In loving memory of my Mother


Karen Elizabeth Hickman June 6, 1956- December 20th, 1992


There are times when I look in the mirror and it is as if I am seeing her face, and times when I say something and it is if I am hearing her voice. The pain of losing her is both soothed and yet still fresh. She died when I was 14 after a two year battle with cancer.  She was 36. 

I knew her only as my mother, not as a peer.  We never talked about what it was like to have babies, to have a fight with our husbands, how she made perfect Yorkshire Pudding, the best way to balance work and mothering, how to get ketchup stains out of shirts, or how to apply eyeliner.  For as much that has been missed between the two of us, I am thankful for the memories that I have of her.  Sometimes, out of fear that I might forget something about her, I run through what I do remember in my mind- like a child would practice their multiplication tables.  Whenever I visit the department store I wander by the Estee Lauder counter and smell the perfumes she used to wear.  There are even funny moments when I look at my daughter Hannah and see a twinkle of my mother's smile shinning through.

In spite of all these things, I will never be able to forget how much I love her and how much she loved me.  Thank you God for the promise of Eternity.


Love, love, weekend love

Back from a lovely weekend filled with:


Wedding love.  My girls boogied on down, and Emma caught the bouquet!


Grandma love.  Our last visit with g'ma and g'pa before they head south for the winter.


Baby love.  My cousin gave birth to twins 6 weeks ago.  This was my first peek at Logan, or was it Austin?


Nutcracker love.  Perhaps I was the only one who loved it.  They are a rough crowd.

And finally, this evening, with home on the horizon...


I fit in some relaxing


Tub love.

Lots and lots of cramming crafting this week!  Stay tuned!