Happy at Home

Snowy day2008-12-16 

It has been snowing. Tons. I hate driving in it (an understatement), and we've had no place to be.  So, we've been at home. 

Snow day snuggle2008-12-16   

Happy at home, wearing our cozy new jammies sent to us in the mail by Grandma.

Snow day reading2008-12-16 

We've been reading (our current favorites),

Cutting out sugar cookies2008-12-17 



Frosting sugar cookies2008-12-17 


Snow day spelling2008-12-16 


Cabin fever2008-12-16 

And yes, having the usual brief moments of insanity.

I am really so thankful to be homeschooling.  It is such a great feeling to wake up in the morning and know that we are in complete control of our schedule.  This Christmas season has been the least stressful in a long time. It is really quite peaceful.  We are just enjoying the beauty out of doors, and honestly enjoying each other's company indoors. 

The one thing that has been lacking...crafting in general.  Schoolwork does take up the better part of our day.  Once we are finished, we are outside to play or off to our separate corners of the house for some free time alone.  Nobody has really requested extra " crafty projects".  So, I am content to just be.  Okay, well I do have a couple of little ideas floating around in my head.  I'm not pressuring myself into anything-- but there just might be some sewing happening soon!