coming and going

Another baby this morning...

Sometimes it feels like I'm going to work and coming home to work. There isn't always a lot of rest in between. The birth center, the house, the schoolwork, the housework, welcoming little babies, loving on my own-- keeps me moving most of the time. Oh well. It's all a miracle. It's all a gift. I'm thankful to be counted worthy and that I'm healthy and strong!


Thank goodness for strong coffee, pretty yogurt, hot showers, and helpful kids.


We're digging in as the day begins. Bible and chalkboards.

Be back soon.

school room tour

School room 1

This the half of the downstairs room where we do school. 

School room 5

The girls "room" takes up the other half.

Hannah and laurel's bed

Emma's bed

As the girls get older, I find them asking for more freedome to decorate their own spaces. This can be a challenge for me, but I remember and understand their desire to "make it their own".  I find it has worked best for us to look through catalogs or to have them draw pictures of what they want it to look like. Then, we work together to make it happen. 

School room 2

Here is the computer desk. 


These shelves are for curriculum in use and craft supplies.


Each girl has her own shelf with different binders and books and supplies that pertain to what they are learning (penmanship, spelling, math, cds for typing, etc.) On top of the shelf is our All About Spelling board and some math games from Right Start Math.


Here's a closer look at our supplies. These plastic bins marked with labels are kind of utilitarian, but they're working for now.



School room 4

This is our writing table and where I do most of the one-on-one work with the girls. We also put our maps up here and do our geography here. Those hanging file folders are new and I'm just beginning to get those set up. I found the clear pouch for hanging at Oriental Trading, but when I looked for it this morning online I couldn't find it? So far I have folders for Composer Study (we are listening to Mendelssohn and are using these notebook pages), Picture Study (we are looking at Michelangelo and are loving this helpful portfolio), language arts and geography manipulatives (I get tons from Montessori For Everyone)

School room 3

This bookshelf houses a revolving set of books for free reading, our nature study and social studies books, and the supplies for Laurel to keep our calendar current.

I've put most of these pictures on flickr with little notes that may be more specific about the items on the shelves and tables. Feel free to click through to my homeschooling set and take a look (newest pictures at the end of the set.)

That's it!