Beauty that soothes
/Yesterday I sat down with my laptop for all of 20 minutes. In that space of time I registered Laurel for soccer, signed Hannah up for her next two swim meets, added money to hot lunch accounts, took a peek at the dates for summer camps, and looked at the "on call" calendar for the birth center. That was it. Time ran out.
I miss writing.
There are so many, many thoughts and questions swirling around in my head. Sometimes I don't know how I feel about anything until I'm able to write about it. Writing helps me process, reflect, and figure out. My mind is a little cluttered and unkept at the moment.
For now, taking pictures seems to be the primary creative outlet for me. Slowing down to see, turning around to look again, inching closer, getting higher- just noticing. I need that. There is so much beauty all around. Capturing it somehow soothes me.
This was last night in the wheat fields behind my house:
“The Earth would die if the sun stopped kissing her.”
I'll find my way back to writing soon. We do that with all of our first loves don't you think? Thanks for hanging in there with me. XOXO