Passing it on

My uncle and I shared a brief moment together at a family wedding on Saturday evening. It was the first such event since my divorce. Surrounded by other people and their busy conversations about kids, families, current events, and the weather-- without preface he said to me, "I really believe all people- everyone- is worthy to be loved. We are. I am. You are. We all are. Sometimes words aren't even necessary. I just want to nod my head to you, even strangers, to let you know that I have reverence for your existence."


My eyes welled up with tears and I just smiled and let those words settle deep inside of me. People (even the people that you love the most!) often have such negative things to say. Sometimes it's directed towards you, sometimes it's expressed behind your back. Either way, the thoughts and opinions of others can chip away at you if you let them...  and too often I let them. It was so refreshing to be built up in that unlikely moment and in that unlikely conversation.

Thank you Uncle Den for such a timely gift, I'm passing it on today.