It's a Giveaway! {because I love you!}

It's February. Did you notice? 

Oh how it seems to drag on! Let's just get through it shall we?

How about some cupcakes?

MMMM! Red velvet. I'd never made these before and they came out so delish. (More therapy.) (And I managed to only have a nibble of Ian's!) Leave it to Barefoot to provide a no-fail recipe. And what's not to love about cream cheese frosting? Yum! So much better than buttercream. You should whip 'em up.

We're also making Valentines, work is currently underway on these:

Oh, and I bought you something! It is February after all. We could all use a few pretty things right?

{paper straws, soy pomegranate candle, and some ready-to-be-made Valentines.}

So leave me a comment, I'll pick a winner on Saturday, and get this little package mailed out ASAP. Sound good?

Here's a printable for you. Download it! I love this quote. 

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February can be fun! Right? (Ugh, only 3 weeks until March! I love March.)